75 Questions You've Probably Never...

Take this survey
1. First thing you wash in the shower?hair
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?gray/white
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?yes
4.Do you plan outfits?only for special occasions
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?extremely cheerful
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red??
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?aim
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?being chased by a giant elephant and forced to hide inside a steam tunnel
9. Did you meet anybody new today?yes
10. What are you craving right now?iced mocha
11. Do you floss?i try to
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?chinese food
13. When was the last time you talked on aim?few months ago, don't use aim now
14. Are you emotional?of course, i have emotions
15. Would you dance to the taco song?why not
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?no, don't have the patience
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?lick it, i like to savor the taste
18. Do you like your hair?not right now, it looks very barbie-like
19. Do you like yourself?sometimes i love myself, sometimes i hate myself
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?seen, yes, met, no
21. Do you like cottage cheese?i love ALL kinds of cheese, except goat cheese
22. What are you listening to right now?Not Myself Tonight-Christina Aguilera
23. How many countries have you visited?3-China, US, Canada
24. Are your parents strict?compared to most asian parents, nope they're quite chill
25. Would you go sky diving?YES!
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?sure
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?sure
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?my room is dark and dreary
29. Have you ever been in a castle?yeah, it was actually a college dorm, and i would love to live in one too
30. Do you rent movies often?i use to rent from blockbusters, now it's so easy to pirate movies
31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?no one sat in the same place everyday in Concepts, so i wouldn't know
32. Have you made a prank phone call?yup, bad idea...
33. Do you own a gun?no
34. Can you count backwards from 74?theoretically yes
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?no one :(
36. Brown or white eggs?this is a racist question
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?im too scared to walk into Hot Topic...
38. Ever been on a train?yes
39. Ever been in love?maybe? but i think i'm still too naive to know what love means
40. Do you have a cell-phone?yes
41. Are you too forgiving?i try not to hold grudges
42. Do you use chap stick?during the winter
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?no clue
44. Can you use chop sticks?i cant properly use chops sticks... and i'm asian! shameful...
45. Ever have cream puffs?delicious!
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?O_o yes
48. What was the last CD you bought?Bullet for My Valentine - Fever
49. Boys or girls?huh?
51. Is your hair curly?not anymore
52. Last time you cried?beginning of the year
53. Ever walked into a wall?oh yeah
54. Do looks matter?not to a huge extent
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?maybe? i actually don't remember where 80% of my clothes come from
56. Have you ever slapped someone?haha no
57. Favorite time of the year?fall only because spring =allergies, summer=too hot, winter=too cold
58. Favorite color?don't have one
59. Are you sarcastic?nope
60. Do you have any tattoos?nope
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?nope
65. Do you like your life right now?it could be more exciting
68. What was the most recent thing you bought?organic chemistry book -.-
69. Do you have good vision?my vision sucks
72. Do you have a job?internship
74. What are you wearing?t shirt and shorts
75. Have you ever crawled through a window?yes, into a school bus
MySpace Surveys